Snipe and develop your own fashion line guide

Snipe and develop your own fashion line guide

“Alice’s Make it Fashion is a 72-page, instantly downloadable e-book presenting a step by step guide for starting your own clothing line.

A Sample of What You’ll Learn inside my Alice’s Make It Fashion Guide:

How to show your ideas and designs to manufacturers correctly.
How to effectively outsource the sewing to locally or to overseas manufacturers.

Follow and learn from my own personal story from start to finish.
I will even show you my first sample, a mix of mess.

How to get samples made even if you cannot sew.

How to create an effective fashion drawing for a sample maker to use and  to avoid incorrect garments being made.

How to correctly and cheaply get your samples made for your collection.

How to cheaply market test your designs.
How to get patterns made for your designers and even if you cannot make patterns yourself.

What Alice’s Readers are already saying about “Alice’s Make it Fashion Guide”

After reading this guide book I felt more relaxed about starting my own label. And believe me, I have read books that just made me more scared. Some books was even too complicate to manage reading.

Alice´shows that you can make it. I have studied design, first 3 years at the upper secondary school. After my studies I got a job as a children wear designer. Hard work but no payment for it.

The design jobs doesn’t´t grow on trees. I had knowledge about the industry, good knowledge about the computer program illustrator and so on. I also thought I had a good design that could sell.

In my mind I was thinking: If other people can live on my design, I can live on it! Still I was afraid to take the big steps. But not anymore, not now when I have read Alice´s Guide-Book. Just take baby steps and it will work. Alice made it! So can I. Know I understand how to work with factories. Marie (from Sweden)

Hi Alice!
I really love your e book. Thank you for responding!
I have already had a response  from an enquiry i made on alibaba before I read you book This is what the Manufacturer wrote:Hi Evelyn, We can create samples from sketches and some basic details.
does that mean that it includes the sample pc? Thanks so much! Evelyn

Hi Alice,
Thank you. I would definitely recommend your guide. It was great reading and it was a great lead to get me started.
Carole from Canada

Hi Alice,
I’m enjoying reading your Make it Fashion Booklet. ZERO experience in the fashion world. sample maker/ From C.C

You’ll also Learn inside my Alice’s Make It Fashion Guide;
Legal structures, useful links and online advice
Copyrights and Trademarks
Selling your Collection and promoting yourself, great tips!
Line Sheets and how to create one.
Creating your own Fashion Show.
Attending trade shows, links to PR Firms.
How to Calculating your collection.
Fashion Design schools – To study or not to study ?
How to send sketches to a manufacturer.
Learn about Fashion Illustration.
Business legal structures for U.K, US, Oceania and Europe Designers.
